“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” The Dalai Lama – Buddhist monk and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people – points out the simple and universal truth that all of us naturally gravitate towards happiness. We’re on a constant search for that joie de vivre – or “joy of living” – in our day-to-day, whether it be a joy found in love, companionship, work, or hobby. Then, there are countless motivational or “self-help” books published on the topic of positive thinking and finding happiness within. But, what about those cloudy days when we don’t feel very joyful? What’s happening in our mind and body that’s affecting our mood? Serotonin, the “happy…
“ACHOO!”: Naturopathic Treatments for the Common Cold and Flu
Our family’s winter immune-boosting regimen actually begins in August, long before the days grow shorter and the weather turns damp and cold. Prevention truly IS the best medicine! Even if you haven’t started yet, implementing a few natural treatment strategies will help to shorten the duration of your cold or flu, as well as prevent any recurrences of a nasty winter bug. Eat warming and nourishing foods As Hippocrates wisely said: Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. Certain foods can provide important infection-fighting nutrients and soothe many of the common symptoms of a cold/flu. A good rule is to “eat for the weather” and focus on…