
Struggling Through Mom Life

Mom Life is no joke.

Becoming a parent might actually be the toughest thing that I’ve had to ever do. I knew that, once baby arrived, there would be changes to my independence, my body, and my lifestyle. But, I wasn’t fully prepared for the changes to everything in-between.

When our first son was born in 2015, I struggled. With breastfeeding. With mom guilt. With a sudden identity crisis. With insecurities that I wasn’t doing my best for our child. There were days when I was frustrated and confused as to why I couldn’t figure parenting out.

It was really only after the birth of our second son in 2017 that I finally felt comfortable “mom-ing”. I still haven’t figured parenting out, but I’m getting better at opening up to others about my struggles, and accepting support from family and friends. (If it takes a village to raise a child, it definitely takes a tribe to raise a mama up!) And now, I honestly can’t imagine my life any other way. There’s beauty in the struggle, and a strength that you find in the love of your little ones.