When was the last time you put yourself first? We’re often focused on giving to others that we forget to give to ourselves. Women (and moms!) are particularly terrible at this. We’re so busy making sure that everyone else is happy that we neglect our own happiness – or worse, think that we don’t deserve it. Well, guess what: you DO deserve the same love and attention that you give so freely to others. Being the greatest and healthiest version of YOU is actually how you best attend to the people and commitments in your life. Not sure where to start? Here are eight highly-effective ways to start making yourself…
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breathing: a simple act that’s done thousands of times throughout the day – yet, most of us aren’t doing it correctly. Rather than deep refreshing breaths, everything from the stresses of daily life to the social convention of holding in our stomach to have a slimmer waistline cause us to adopt shallower “chest breathing”. You can notice chest breathing most when anxious: the breath comes in and out rapidly, while the shoulders move up and down accordingly. In deep belly, or diaphragmatic, breathing, the shoulders stay still while the abdomen moves in and out. Deep belly breathing promotes relaxation; reduces muscle tension, pulse rate and blood pressure; and provides a general…
Tips for Safe Summer Exposure
SUMMERTIME! Is there anything better than the sun shining on long summer days? If you’re like our family, then as soon as it’s warm enough to be outside, you’re outside all day every day. Winter is a distant memory, and you’ve got the tan lines to prove it! We’re all aware of (and have felt) the positive effects of sunlight on our moods and energy levels (vitamin D, anyone?). But, before running out to enjoy the summer heat, it’s important to follow proper sun protection protocol. By following these basic tips – and teaching your family to do the same – you can help prevent sunburn (ouch!), wrinkles, unwanted freckles…